Strategic PersuasionTM LLC

Efficiency Meets Effectiveness

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Strategic Persuasion’s CallMax is an exciting program designed to bring efficiency and effectiveness to your business.  CallMax addresses three critical performance areas with three unique products: C-4 (Call Center Call Control), Arrival One (Staffing and Call Patterns), and Cross Sell U.  The program enables you to infuse your entire operation with “best in class” strategies that work.

Benefit from over 14 years of specialization in call center operations and over 25 years in analyzing, developing and executing top grade customer experience campaigns.  CallMax targets how to prepare for, take action and sustain performance in an effective and efficient fashion while maximizing your quality and profits. 

  • Receive certified classroom instruction in the proven techniques of our wildly successful C-4 product (Call Center Call Control)

  • Reduce Handle Time while boosting effectiveness

  • Improve your customer’s experience with efficiency

  • Learn how to master and maximize the moment

  • Learn how to get the most out of your call patterns and staffing models

Max your profitsNOW!!!

It’s always a good time and never too late to earn more and save more!
Call today for a free consultation regarding CallMax.
Discover how you and/or your organization will
benefit from this exciting program!!!

The strategies and techniques helped us produce a 34% increase in our department’s revenue by lowering handle time via call control while sustaining our already high QA scores.  Also, our staffing models now help us to “be there” for our customers without draining our staffing budget.

- Call Center, Fortune 500

Offering and closing on intangibles are no longer a mystery (scary).  The concepts and applications of the techniques are straightforward and produce win-wins for our customers and us.

- Customer Service and Telesales, Fortune 500

Call Strategic Persuasion and let us help you

Maximize Profits…NOW!!!


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